Intercontinental Championship Match. Fatal 4 Way Match. Inmortal One (c) vs Master Dynamite vs benoit_carismacaptain vs The Last Marvel Hitskin_logo

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 Intercontinental Championship Match. Fatal 4 Way Match. Inmortal One (c) vs Master Dynamite vs benoit_carismacaptain vs The Last Marvel

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7 participantes

¿Quien ganará?
Inmortal One
Intercontinental Championship Match. Fatal 4 Way Match. Inmortal One (c) vs Master Dynamite vs benoit_carismacaptain vs The Last Marvel Icon_vote_lcap31%Intercontinental Championship Match. Fatal 4 Way Match. Inmortal One (c) vs Master Dynamite vs benoit_carismacaptain vs The Last Marvel Icon_vote_rcap
 31% [ 5 ]
Master Dynamite
Intercontinental Championship Match. Fatal 4 Way Match. Inmortal One (c) vs Master Dynamite vs benoit_carismacaptain vs The Last Marvel Icon_vote_lcap6%Intercontinental Championship Match. Fatal 4 Way Match. Inmortal One (c) vs Master Dynamite vs benoit_carismacaptain vs The Last Marvel Icon_vote_rcap
 6% [ 1 ]
The Last Marvel
Intercontinental Championship Match. Fatal 4 Way Match. Inmortal One (c) vs Master Dynamite vs benoit_carismacaptain vs The Last Marvel Icon_vote_lcap13%Intercontinental Championship Match. Fatal 4 Way Match. Inmortal One (c) vs Master Dynamite vs benoit_carismacaptain vs The Last Marvel Icon_vote_rcap
 13% [ 2 ]
Intercontinental Championship Match. Fatal 4 Way Match. Inmortal One (c) vs Master Dynamite vs benoit_carismacaptain vs The Last Marvel Icon_vote_lcap50%Intercontinental Championship Match. Fatal 4 Way Match. Inmortal One (c) vs Master Dynamite vs benoit_carismacaptain vs The Last Marvel Icon_vote_rcap
 50% [ 8 ]
Votos Totales : 16

RAW Superstar
RAW Superstar

Cantidad de envíos : 6081
Reputación en Backstage : 32
Fecha de inscripción : 14/10/2009
Localización : Morelia, Michoacan, Mexico

Ficha de Luchador
Apodo en lucha: Wrestling Machine
Finishers Moves: Pepsi Plunge, Sweet Chin Music, Angle Slam
Signature moves: Tiger Suplex, Regal Plex, T-Bone Suplex, German Suplex, Spear, Jackhammer, Cattle Mutilation, Ankle Lock, Edgecator, Liontamer, Frog Splash, Best Moonsault Ever

Intercontinental Championship Match. Fatal 4 Way Match. Inmortal One (c) vs Master Dynamite vs benoit_carismacaptain vs The Last Marvel Empty
MensajeTema: Intercontinental Championship Match. Fatal 4 Way Match. Inmortal One (c) vs Master Dynamite vs benoit_carismacaptain vs The Last Marvel   Intercontinental Championship Match. Fatal 4 Way Match. Inmortal One (c) vs Master Dynamite vs benoit_carismacaptain vs The Last Marvel Icon_minitimeLun 26 Sep 2011 - 19:34

Intercontinental Championship Match. Fatal 4 Way Match. Inmortal One (c) vs Master Dynamite vs benoit_carismacaptain vs The Last Marvel Intercontinental

Inmortal One sin duda uno de los mejores Intercontinentl Champions en mucho tiempo, un tipo que semana a semana viene al ring y nos ofrece una verdadera catedra, pero en SummerSlam se estara enfrentando al que talvez sea el mas grande reto en su carrera como IC Champion, ya que tendra a Master Dynamite un viejo conocido para el que seguramente vendera muy cara la lucha y de una buena ve intentara coronarse como Campeon, pero no estara ya solo ya que tambien estara The Last Marvel un joven talento en WWE que muy rapidamente se gano esta lucha y ahora hara hasta lo imposible por llevarse el tan prestigiado titulo Intercontinental, por ultimo pero no menos importante tambien tendremos a benoit_carismacaptain otro luchador nuevo en WWE pero que rapidamente gracias a su constancia en el ring esta en esta lucha, 4 hombres, 3 retadores y solo 1 podra salir de esta lucha con el cetro del Intercontinental Chmpionship.
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Hall of Famer
Hall of Famer

Cantidad de envíos : 11339
Reputación en Backstage : 43
Fecha de inscripción : 30/03/2010

Ficha de Luchador
Apodo en lucha: Evil
Finishers Moves: Attitude Adjustment- STF- Thunder Death Driver
Signature moves: King Kong Lariat- Emerald Flowsion- Flying Cross Chop-Pepsi Twist- Lionsault- Pele Kick- Tiger Suplex- Double Knee Gotbbuster (al pecho y a la espalda)- TODOS LOS DE CENA.

Intercontinental Championship Match. Fatal 4 Way Match. Inmortal One (c) vs Master Dynamite vs benoit_carismacaptain vs The Last Marvel Empty
MensajeTema: Re: Intercontinental Championship Match. Fatal 4 Way Match. Inmortal One (c) vs Master Dynamite vs benoit_carismacaptain vs The Last Marvel   Intercontinental Championship Match. Fatal 4 Way Match. Inmortal One (c) vs Master Dynamite vs benoit_carismacaptain vs The Last Marvel Icon_minitimeLun 26 Sep 2011 - 19:42

Maestro Benoit ganará.
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WWE Free Agent
WWE Free Agent

Cantidad de envíos : 29
Reputación en Backstage : 1
Fecha de inscripción : 29/08/2011
Edad : 34
Localización : Mexico NL

Ficha de Luchador
Apodo en lucha: Helms
Finishers Moves: double grouser
Signature moves: Moves for David Otunga

Intercontinental Championship Match. Fatal 4 Way Match. Inmortal One (c) vs Master Dynamite vs benoit_carismacaptain vs The Last Marvel Empty
MensajeTema: Re: Intercontinental Championship Match. Fatal 4 Way Match. Inmortal One (c) vs Master Dynamite vs benoit_carismacaptain vs The Last Marvel   Intercontinental Championship Match. Fatal 4 Way Match. Inmortal One (c) vs Master Dynamite vs benoit_carismacaptain vs The Last Marvel Icon_minitimeMar 27 Sep 2011 - 1:49

Esacto ganara Benoit ...
Yo creo. Twisted Evil
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Icon One
RAW Superstar
RAW Superstar
Icon One

Cantidad de envíos : 1517
Reputación en Backstage : 4
Fecha de inscripción : 27/08/2010
Edad : 30
Localización : Monterrey

Ficha de Luchador
Apodo en lucha: The Inmortal One
Finishers Moves: Twist of Hate, Swanton Bomb y Spear(La que mas usare)
Signature moves: Sweet Chin Music, Sharpshoother, Whisper in The Wind

Intercontinental Championship Match. Fatal 4 Way Match. Inmortal One (c) vs Master Dynamite vs benoit_carismacaptain vs The Last Marvel Empty
MensajeTema: Re: Intercontinental Championship Match. Fatal 4 Way Match. Inmortal One (c) vs Master Dynamite vs benoit_carismacaptain vs The Last Marvel   Intercontinental Championship Match. Fatal 4 Way Match. Inmortal One (c) vs Master Dynamite vs benoit_carismacaptain vs The Last Marvel Icon_minitimeMar 27 Sep 2011 - 5:59

Maestro benoit me chingara en su mega promo y no podre estar en el combate Intercontinental Championship Match. Fatal 4 Way Match. Inmortal One (c) vs Master Dynamite vs benoit_carismacaptain vs The Last Marvel 994951
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The Phenomenal One
WWE Free Agent
WWE Free Agent
The Phenomenal One

Cantidad de envíos : 27
Reputación en Backstage : 0
Fecha de inscripción : 10/07/2011
Edad : 28
Localización : Magical city where the kings are the best

Ficha de Luchador
Apodo en lucha: Mr Phenomenal
Finishers Moves: Styles Clash - Corkscrew senton bomb - Figure four leglock - Norhtern lights suplex
Signature moves: Pelé Kick - Phenomenon - Shooting Styles Press - Styles Suplex Special - Stylin' Crab

Intercontinental Championship Match. Fatal 4 Way Match. Inmortal One (c) vs Master Dynamite vs benoit_carismacaptain vs The Last Marvel Empty
MensajeTema: Re: Intercontinental Championship Match. Fatal 4 Way Match. Inmortal One (c) vs Master Dynamite vs benoit_carismacaptain vs The Last Marvel   Intercontinental Championship Match. Fatal 4 Way Match. Inmortal One (c) vs Master Dynamite vs benoit_carismacaptain vs The Last Marvel Icon_minitimeMar 27 Sep 2011 - 22:27

Ya llegara el momento en el cual gane este titulo.
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WWE Free Agent
WWE Free Agent

Cantidad de envíos : 485
Reputación en Backstage : 3
Fecha de inscripción : 09/08/2010
Edad : 28

Ficha de Luchador
Apodo en lucha: Low Ki
Finishers Moves: Red Spike , Schwein-Gatame , Double Rotation Moonsault...
Signature moves: Hart Destroyer , Spider Twist , Double Jump Arabian Press , Psycho Driver II , Chikara Special , Inverted Frankesteiner , Violence Party , Boom Shakalaka , Lightning Lock Beta , Imploding 450° Splash , Tidal Crush , Tiger Driver 91 , Cobra Clutch Style Triangle Choke , Asai Moonsault , Styles Suplex Special , Cyclorama , Mugen , Corkscrew Plancha , Wrist Clutch Exploder , Diving Headbutt , Flying Cross Chop , UFO , Shotei , MMA Elbows , Corner Lariat , Glimmering Warlock.....

Intercontinental Championship Match. Fatal 4 Way Match. Inmortal One (c) vs Master Dynamite vs benoit_carismacaptain vs The Last Marvel Empty
MensajeTema: Re: Intercontinental Championship Match. Fatal 4 Way Match. Inmortal One (c) vs Master Dynamite vs benoit_carismacaptain vs The Last Marvel   Intercontinental Championship Match. Fatal 4 Way Match. Inmortal One (c) vs Master Dynamite vs benoit_carismacaptain vs The Last Marvel Icon_minitimeMar 27 Sep 2011 - 23:41

Intercontinental Championship Match. Fatal 4 Way Match. Inmortal One (c) vs Master Dynamite vs benoit_carismacaptain vs The Last Marvel 797230
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Icon One
RAW Superstar
RAW Superstar
Icon One

Cantidad de envíos : 1517
Reputación en Backstage : 4
Fecha de inscripción : 27/08/2010
Edad : 30
Localización : Monterrey

Ficha de Luchador
Apodo en lucha: The Inmortal One
Finishers Moves: Twist of Hate, Swanton Bomb y Spear(La que mas usare)
Signature moves: Sweet Chin Music, Sharpshoother, Whisper in The Wind

Intercontinental Championship Match. Fatal 4 Way Match. Inmortal One (c) vs Master Dynamite vs benoit_carismacaptain vs The Last Marvel Empty
MensajeTema: Re: Intercontinental Championship Match. Fatal 4 Way Match. Inmortal One (c) vs Master Dynamite vs benoit_carismacaptain vs The Last Marvel   Intercontinental Championship Match. Fatal 4 Way Match. Inmortal One (c) vs Master Dynamite vs benoit_carismacaptain vs The Last Marvel Icon_minitimeMiér 28 Sep 2011 - 4:11

Pff, me jodo a los 3 weyes sin ningun problema Intercontinental Championship Match. Fatal 4 Way Match. Inmortal One (c) vs Master Dynamite vs benoit_carismacaptain vs The Last Marvel 563354
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Maestro Benoit
WWE Free Agent
WWE Free Agent
Maestro Benoit

Cantidad de envíos : 122
Reputación en Backstage : 3
Fecha de inscripción : 12/08/2011

Ficha de Luchador
Apodo en lucha: The Dark Savior
Finishers Moves: Diving Headbutt,DOA(Dead On Arrival),Suicide Solution,Pedigree,Stunner,GTS,La mistica,Spear,Pele Kick,Sweet Chin Music,RKO
Signature moves: Spinebuster,Whisper in the Wind,Scorpion Deathlock,Twist of fate,swanton bomb,Cliper crossface,quebradora,scissors,german suplex,Bulldog,Boston Crab,Running Corner monkey flip into double knee face(Jaw Breaker)

Intercontinental Championship Match. Fatal 4 Way Match. Inmortal One (c) vs Master Dynamite vs benoit_carismacaptain vs The Last Marvel Empty
MensajeTema: Re: Intercontinental Championship Match. Fatal 4 Way Match. Inmortal One (c) vs Master Dynamite vs benoit_carismacaptain vs The Last Marvel   Intercontinental Championship Match. Fatal 4 Way Match. Inmortal One (c) vs Master Dynamite vs benoit_carismacaptain vs The Last Marvel Icon_minitimeJue 29 Sep 2011 - 5:26

Inmortal One escribió:
Pff, me jodo a los 3 weyes sin ningun problema Intercontinental Championship Match. Fatal 4 Way Match. Inmortal One (c) vs Master Dynamite vs benoit_carismacaptain vs The Last Marvel 563354

Jajaja ya veremos Intercontinental Championship Match. Fatal 4 Way Match. Inmortal One (c) vs Master Dynamite vs benoit_carismacaptain vs The Last Marvel 838632
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Intercontinental Championship Match. Fatal 4 Way Match. Inmortal One (c) vs Master Dynamite vs benoit_carismacaptain vs The Last Marvel Empty
MensajeTema: Re: Intercontinental Championship Match. Fatal 4 Way Match. Inmortal One (c) vs Master Dynamite vs benoit_carismacaptain vs The Last Marvel   Intercontinental Championship Match. Fatal 4 Way Match. Inmortal One (c) vs Master Dynamite vs benoit_carismacaptain vs The Last Marvel Icon_minitimeJue 29 Sep 2011 - 6:19

Inmortal One escribió:
Maestro benoit me chingara en su mega promo y no podre estar en el combate Intercontinental Championship Match. Fatal 4 Way Match. Inmortal One (c) vs Master Dynamite vs benoit_carismacaptain vs The Last Marvel 994951

Intercontinental Championship Match. Fatal 4 Way Match. Inmortal One (c) vs Master Dynamite vs benoit_carismacaptain vs The Last Marvel 502824443
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Contenido patrocinado

Intercontinental Championship Match. Fatal 4 Way Match. Inmortal One (c) vs Master Dynamite vs benoit_carismacaptain vs The Last Marvel Empty
MensajeTema: Re: Intercontinental Championship Match. Fatal 4 Way Match. Inmortal One (c) vs Master Dynamite vs benoit_carismacaptain vs The Last Marvel   Intercontinental Championship Match. Fatal 4 Way Match. Inmortal One (c) vs Master Dynamite vs benoit_carismacaptain vs The Last Marvel Icon_minitime

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Intercontinental Championship Match. Fatal 4 Way Match. Inmortal One (c) vs Master Dynamite vs benoit_carismacaptain vs The Last Marvel
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